Voted to pass a city budget that maintained the Effective Tax Rate instead of increasing it in 2021 and 2022.
Voted to pass a 1 cent tax increase in 2023 to allow Wylie to fund its own ambulance and EMS services, ending our reliance on a for-profit vendor.
Voted to aid the construction of Jericho Village to help disadvantaged folks get back on their feet and be able to support themselves.
Voted to support the 40th annual Ethiopian Sports Federation of North America tournament, a fantastic event that brought hundreds of visitors to Wylie.
Voted to construct Fire Station #4.
Voted to construct two splash pads using voter-approved funds.
Voted to construct a dog park using voter-approved funds.
Voted to support the straightening and expansion of McMillen Dr, even though I will always miss the nice tree-lined road and infamous “S-Curve”.
Voted to support the expansion of Park Blvd to support the county’s plans to extend Park out to Skyview Ln and bring additional relief to Parker and 544.
Voted to pass adoption of a new Comprehensive Plan in 2022 with an eye on ensuring that zoning recommendations are appropriate to the undeveloped portions of Wylie.
Served on our Boards & Commissions Interview Panel in 2021 and 2023.
Served on the Ethics Subcommittee to update the city’s Ethics Policy in 2022.
Worked with Council and EDC to review property and development opportunities and ensure the EDC’s plans align with the city’s priorities and what residents would like to see come to Wylie.